Apollo Reflections

6 02, 2023


2023-04-10T18:17:35+00:00Categories: Apollospace Presents, Earth, Flown, News|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

First Color Photo of Earth from Space Unearthed!

On October 5, 1954, the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) launched an Aerobee sounding rocket from the White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico. On board were two 16mm movie cameras peering out small holes, one with black and white film and the other with color film.

On that color 16mm film would be recorded the very first color images of Earth from space.

Berg’s Earth Mosaic – Credit: U. S. Navy / Naval Research Laboratory

On October 5, 1954, an Aerobee rocket carrying two 16 mm movie cameras (including one with color film) captured the first color images of Earth from space, including images of a tropical storm over the state of Texas. Approximately 140 […]

4 01, 2023


2023-02-28T06:03:28+00:00Categories: Astronauts|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Remembering Apollo 7 Astronaut Walt Cunningham (March 16, 1932 – January 3, 2023)

Walt Cunningham during our “Apollo Reflections” interview, August 30, 2018

Yesterday, we lost another giant of the Apollo program, Apollo 7 Astronaut Walt Cunningham. I had the good fortune of meeting Walt on many occasions over the years – the first time at a UACC Autograph Show in Houston, Texas in 2000. Then, as always, Walt was funny, gracious, accommodating, and friendly to all.

With Walt at UACC Autograph Show, Houston, 2000

As he was in the photograph below from the same event posing with members of the Yahoo Astronauts news group I had founded a couple of years prior, with a few familiar faces to the space memorabilia collecting community including (starting 3rd from left) myself, Walt, Steve Hankow (Farthest Reaches), Apollo 14 Astronaut Ed Mitchell, and Gerry Montague (Astronaut Archives), and […]

1 11, 2020


2022-03-11T05:07:28+00:00Categories: Apollo 9, Apollospace Presents, Films|Tags: , , , |0 Comments



In this profoundly beautiful and moving film, Apollo 9 Astronaut Rusty Schweickart discusses the Apollo 9 mission, his life-altering spacewalk, and our cosmic birth. Rusty describes testing the Lunar Module, the first true spaceship that would four months later land men on the moon; his historic spacewalk, the first EVA of the Apollo era; and the incredible beauty of the Earth from space.

Beyond the Apollo 9 mission itself, Rusty goes much deeper to explore the philosophical and evolutionary implications of humanity’s first steps into the cosmos, describing the powerful effects of his “five minutes” alone on the Lunar Module porch as he observed the Earth below and pondered the big questions of existence – questions he would come to answer back on Earth.

The film is in 4K with a run time of 48:06 and was featured on Asteroid Day TV in June for Asteroid Day 2020, with a viewership […]

18 04, 2020


2020-04-19T05:00:50+00:00Categories: Apollospace Presents, Films|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Ron Woods is a retired NASA Space Suit Technician and space artist.  During his NASA career Ron suited up members of the Apollo 8, Apollo 11 (including Buzz Aldrin), Apollo 15 crews, as well as Skylab and ASTP crews.  In this clip from our “Apollo Reflections” project, Ron discusses his NASA career and how that inspired his art.


Here is an original painting by Ron of Charles Conrad’s Skylab suit in the collection of Apollospace owner, Jeremy Theoret:

18 02, 2020


2020-04-19T18:01:33+00:00Categories: Apollospace Presents, Films|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Lucy West is an amazing space artist. In this short clip, filmed for our Apollo Reflections project, Lucy discusses her art and its influences, from first looking through a telescope at Halley’s Comet, to watching the shuttle launch from her Florida home, to the influence of  Apollo 12 Moonwalker and artist, Alan Bean.


Here’s a work commissioned by Apollospace owner, Jeremy Theoret, for his partner, Silvia, of their favorite spot near their home on the Rio Grande River in Albuquerque, NM, called “Home.” Measuring 36×24, the painting depicts a romantic winter scene overlooking the river looking toward the Sandia Mountains with the majestic Milky Way Galaxy rising, as winter birds, including Sandhill Cranes, Canada Geese, and multiple species of ducks fly home for the evening.

Visit Lucy West Studios

18 01, 2020


2020-04-19T17:59:23+00:00Categories: Apollospace Presents, Films|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Doug Forrest is an amazing pencil artist specializing in sketches influence by the Apollo era.  In this short clip, filmed for our Apollo Reflections project, Doug discusses how he was influence by Apollo 12 Moonwalker and artist, Alan Bean.


Here is a sketch of the Apollo 8 launch called “In the Beginning” that Apollospace owner, Jeremy Theoret, commissioned from Doug.

7 12, 2019

Apollo Reflections: General Thomas Stafford on Gemini & Apollo

2022-03-08T20:52:04+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 10, Apollospace Presents, ASTP, Films, Gemini 6, Gemini 9|Tags: |0 Comments

Apollo Reflections: General Thomas Stafford on Gemini & Apollo

Gemini 6, Gemini 9, Apollo 10 and ASTP Astronaut

Now available, the third film in our “Apollo Reflections” series, “Apollo Reflections: The General on Gemini & Apollo” (2019, 45 min., 4K). In this 45 minute documentary, presented in beautiful 4K with fully restored NASA images, General Thomas Stafford describes his influences and inspirations growing up in Weatherford, Oklahoma, the development of the Apollo program, and all four of his NASA missions into space. This film features a sit-down interview with General Stafford in front of his actual Gemini 6 spacecraft as well as clips from a public talk he gave to a hometown crowd in Weatherford, Oklahoma on the 50th anniversary of his Apollo 10 mission.

General Stafford describes in detail all four of his missions, […]

30 04, 2019


2022-03-08T08:02:32+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 13, Apollospace Presents, Astronauts, Films|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise tells the heroic story of Apollo 13 with newly restored mission photographs.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo era, Apollospace presents, “Reflections: Apollo 13 in Pictures and Words,” featuring Apollo 13 astronaut Fred Haise telling stories of the mission accompanied by our best Apollo 13 photography. In this 26 minute film, Fred reflects on his military and NASA careers, the launch of Apollo 13 and initial photographic tasks and equipment, the  the oxygen tank “explosion” , the problems with CO2 and the lithium hydroxide cartridges, the mission’s best lunar photography, the story and promise of Apollo, and the future of humanity.  The interview with Fred was shot in 4K on August 30, 2018.

You can stream the film in 4K here.  Please enjoy Fred’s reflections on Apollo 13!


Completion of this film depended on the assistance of many people, including the generous contributors to our Indiegogo campaign!  Thank you all!

Executive Producers:

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