Apollo 11

30 01, 2025


2025-02-10T06:55:17+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Apollospace Presents, Image Collections|0 Comments

The APOLLOSPACE Mission Magazine Images Pages have a new look and feature! FULL DOWNLOADS!

Now you can download every mission image and magazine at the highest resolution we have available through our APOLLOSPACE Flickr page. Now when you view our Mission Magazine Pages, you’ll see thumbnail images of every image in that magazine and below that you’ll find a new feature: an embedded slideshow with access to download any image at the highest resolution available or download the entire magazine as a zip file!

Scroll through the images below with the forward and back arrows. Download full-sized images by clicking on a desired image or download the entire Magazine of photos by clicking on the Album name above the images (here Album – AS11-40S-APOLLOSPACE-5000).


APOLLOSPACE® proudly presents the most comprehensive collection of fully restored and enhanced flight images at the highest quality and resolution available, free to download by mission magazine (film […]

19 07, 2019

Countdown to Apollo 11 50th – 1

2025-01-27T05:25:56+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Image Collections|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments


Get your 3D (red/blue) glasses ready!

For the 10 days leading to the 50th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on another world, Apollospace will feature a different Apollo 11 photo magazine and highlight the most significant, iconic, and enduring images from the Apollo 11 mission and in the history of photography. Apollo 11 Magazine 45 (W) AS11-45-6697A to AS11-45-6714A. This Magazine consists of closeup stereo images (A and B images) of the lunar soil. The images were taken with the Apollo Lunar Surface Closeup Camera (ALSCC). The individual images are presented here, along with Red/Blue stereo 3D versions. Enjoy the entire magazine below, individually or in a slide show. Please note that the images here are 1200 x 1200 pixels full screen versions of our fully restored photographs.

18 07, 2019

Countdown to Apollo 11 50th – 2

2025-01-27T05:27:08+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Image Collections|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments


For the 10 days leading to the 50th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on another world, Apollospace will feature a different Apollo 11 photo magazine and highlight the most significant, iconic, and enduring images from the Apollo 11 mission and in the history of photography. Apollo 11 Magazine 44/V contains 157 color images, NASA #s AS11-44-6540 to AS11-44-6696. This Magazine contains photographs of the lunar surface, a beautiful color Earthrise, LM separation, the LM rendezvous with the CM, trans-earth insertion, and images of the Earth shortly before splashdown.

Some of the most iconic images from orbit are included in this magazine, including an incredible Earthrise series.

Click here for a short GIF of the color Earthrise series.

There is a very nice series of the LM, […]

17 07, 2019

Countdown to Apollo 11 50th – 3

2025-01-27T05:27:35+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Image Collections|Tags: , , , |0 Comments


For the 10 days leading to the 50th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on another world, Apollospace will feature a different Apollo 11 photo magazine and highlight the most significant, iconic, and enduring images from the Apollo 11 mission and in the history of photography. Apollo 11 Magazine 43/T contains 191 black & white images, NASA #s AS11-43-6349 to AS11-43-6539. This Magazine consists of photographs of the Moon from the Command Module from a 60 nautical mile orbit. There are a number of pleasant features and craters in this magazine.

Enjoy the entire magazine below, individually or in a slide show. Please note that the images here are 1200 x 1200 pixels full screen versions of our fully restored photographs.

16 07, 2019

Countdown to Apollo 11 50th – 4

2025-01-27T05:28:05+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Image Collections|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments


For the 10 days leading to the 50th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on another world, Apollospace will feature a different Apollo 11 photo magazine and highlight the most significant, iconic, and enduring images from the Apollo 11 mission and in the history of photography. Apollo 11 Magazine 42/U contains 189 black & white images: NASA #s AS11-42-6160 to AS11-42-6348. This Magazine consists of photographs of the Moon from the Command Module from a lunar equatorial orbit, as well as several photographs of the solar corona.

These are the best of the corona shots.

This Magazine has some great photographs of the moon from interesting perspectives along with some very nice individual craters, features, and limb photos.

15 07, 2019

Countdown to Apollo 11 50th – 5

2025-01-27T05:28:29+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Image Collections|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments


For the 10 days leading to the 50th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on another world, Apollospace will feature a different Apollo 11 photo magazine and highlight the most significant, iconic, and enduring images from the Apollo 11 mission and in the history of photography. Apollo 11 Magazine 41/P contains 189 black & white images: NASA #s AS11-41-5971 to AS11-41-6159. This Magazine consists of photographs of the Moon from the Command Module from a 60 nautical mile orbit. The first series of approximately 80 or so images are of the lunar limb as the Command Modules orbits the Moon and which includes an Earthrise series.

Click here for a short GIF of the series.

There are a number of very detailed images of the surface craters and limbs in this magazine.

14 07, 2019

Countdown to Apollo 11 50th – 6

2025-01-27T05:29:02+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Image Collections|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments


For the 10 days leading to the 50th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on another world, Apollospace will feature a different Apollo 11 photo magazine and highlight the most significant, iconic, and enduring images from the Apollo 11 mission and in the history of photography. Apollo 11 Magazine 40/S contains 129 color images, NASA #s AS11-40-5844 to AS11-40-5970. This Magazine contains perhaps the most iconic images of the entire Apollo Program, and indeed in the entire history of photography. The entire Magazine, with the exception of the first three images taken from lunar orbit, consists of images taken on the lunar surface at Tranquility Base including numerous shots of astronauts, the LM, experiment packages, and pans of the lunar surface.

Armstrong photographed a panorama of the landing site when he was on the lunar surface alone.

13 07, 2019

Countdown to Apollo 11 50th – 7

2025-01-27T05:29:23+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Image Collections|Tags: , |0 Comments


For the 10 days leading to the 50th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on another world, Apollospace will feature a different Apollo 11 photo magazine and highlight the most significant, iconic, and enduring images from the Apollo 11 mission and in the history of photography. Apollo 11 Magazine 39/Q contains 107 black & white images, NASA #s AS11-39-5737 to AS11-39-5843. The Magazine consists of photographs of Tranquility Base, including views of the Lunar Module, Eagle’s, shadow and the landing area, before and after the historic moonwalk. The Lunar Module casts its shadow on the lunar surface at Tranquility Base.

These black and white photos, like the color photos in Magazine 37/R, show some nice “before and after” photos of the lunar surface. The pristine surface below

can be compared with the the surface following the moonwalk.

12 07, 2019

Countdown to Apollo 11 50th – 8

2025-01-27T05:29:47+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Image Collections|Tags: , , |0 Comments


For the 10 days leading to the 50th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on another world, Apollospace will feature a different Apollo 11 photo magazine and highlight the most significant, iconic, and enduring images from the Apollo 11 mission and in the history of photography. Apollo 11 Magazine 38/O contains 181 black & white images: NASA #s AS11-38-5556 to AS11-38-5736. This Magazine consists of images of the lunar far side and several series of images of the Moon and Earth after trans-earth insertion.

The images on this magazine were taken following Neil and Buzz’s first steps on the moon. The first series of images are of various craters and the limb of the lunar far side.

11 07, 2019

Countdown to Apollo 11 50th – 9

2025-01-27T05:30:09+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 11, Image Collections|Tags: , , |0 Comments


For the 10 days leading to the 50th anniversary of humanity’s first steps on another world, Apollospace will feature a different Apollo 11 photo magazine and highlight the most significant, iconic, and enduring images from the Apollo 11 mission and in the history of photography.

Apollo 11 Magazine 37/R contains 123 color images, NASA #s AS11-37-5433 to AS11-37-5555. This Magazine contains images taken from the Lunar Module.

The first set of photographs, taken from the Lunar Module, are of the LM with an Earthrise over the lunar horizon.

The next series of images are of the Command Module over the lunar surface as the LM pulls away before its descent to the surface.

The remaining images were taken from the Lunar Module after landing on the lunar surface at Tranquility Base. The first images are before […]

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