Apollo 7

12 10, 2018


2020-04-18T23:01:47+00:00Categories: Apollo, Apollo 7, Apollospace Presents, Astronauts, Films|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

October 11, 1968: Liftoff of Apollo 7.  The Apollo era begins, and within nine short months and four additional missions, America landed men on the Moon and a human being set foot there.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo era, beginning with the launch of Apollo 7 in October, 1968, Apollospace presents, “Reflections: Apollo 7 in Pictures and Words,” featuring our best Apollo 7 photography described by the sole remaining crewman from that mission: Apollo 7 astronaut Walt Cunningham.  In this 23 minute film, Walt reflects on his NASA career, some of his favorite Apollo images, and the future of spaceflight.  The interview with Walt was shot in 4K on August 30, 2018, and the dozens of Apollo era images featured in the film are higher resolution than that – select the 4K option in the settings.  Please enjoy Walt’s reflections on Apollo 7 and the many wonderful photographs he took.  The beginning, fifty years ago today.

Some of our favorite photographs and the favorites […]

18 09, 2018

Walt Cunningham Interview

2020-04-18T22:30:05+00:00Categories: Apollo 7, Astronauts|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Apollo 7 astronaut Walt Cunningham graciously allowed us to interview him on August 30th, 2018 for a documentary featuring the photography of Apollo 7.  The completed documentary, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Apollo 7 and Apollo 7 photography, will be released on the Apollo 7 50th anniversary in October.  We shot in 4K and the finished product will prominently feature Apollo 7 photography in 4K.  In the meantime, below is a raw clip of a pre-interview conversation with Walt while equipment was still getting set up.


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