Apollo 9 Flown Kapton Cover

APOLLOSPACE is pleased to offer a collection of Apollo 9 event covers which have been affixed with a remnant piece of Kapton foil that was originally part of the protective insulation of the Apollo 9 Lunar Module, “Spider,” and was flown in space as part of that spacecraft from March 3-13, 1969. The original Kapton from which the attached remnants were cut was retrieved from the Lunar Module by Apollo 9 Lunar Module Pilot Rusty Schweickart shortly before the LM was jettisoned from the Command Module. Remnant pieces of Apollo 9 flown Kapton foil measuring approximately .25 inch were attached to 53 Apollo 9 event covers: 3 cover proofs and 50 covers marked as Nos. 1-50, Series A9-2. Offered exclusively by APOLLOSPACE.

Read more about our Apollo 9 Flown Kapton Covers HERE.

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